How to Become a Hacker: 10 Steps hacking skills for beginners - Knowledge World

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How to Become a Hacker: 10 Steps hacking skills for beginners - Knowledge World

How to Become a Hacker: 12 Steps hacking skills for beginners - Knowledge World

Before knowing the ways to become a hacker, ask yourself why learn to hack? 

This is usually your answer.

  • Just curiosity settled.
  • I will test the security of my system.
  • I will take hacking as a career.

Plan your learning according to your answers. Remember there are no shortcuts, you have to work with time. Below are some steps that will help you become a better hacker.

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1. First of all - LINUX / UNIX

How to Become a Hacker: 12 Steps hacking skills for beginners - Knowledge World

LINUX / UNIX is an open-source operating system. Which provides the best security to computer systems.

There is no chance of avoiding LINUX / UNIX becoming a hacker. Because the Linux operating system is the most used for hacking.

Almost all the tools required for hacking are provided in Linux.

Some Linux / Unix-based operating systems are Red Hat Linux, Kali Linux, Ubuntu, BackTrack, etc. Among them, the most used for hacking is Kali Linux.

Kali Linux is made for hacking.

Ink works even if you don't use a hard disk to install Linux. Live ink Linux can be used from a pen drive. So you can use ink without making any changes to the computer's OS.

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2. Learn about the C language

How to Become a Hacker: 12 Steps hacking skills for beginners - Knowledge World

There is no requirement to know 'C' for hacking. However, ‘C’ is called the mother of all programming languages. This is why I am told to learn.

C programming is the basis of learning UNIX / LINUX because this OS is written entirely in C. But you can learn Python. Attempts are currently being made to move everything from C to Python.

But it is better if you can learn both languages. It is better to say that all programming languages ​​are almost the same. Just look at the differences in some of the structures when writing.

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3. You have to learn to be anonymous

How to Become a Hacker: 12 Steps hacking skills for beginners - Knowledge World

Guidelines for becoming a hacker

You have to learn to hide your identity as a hacker.

The best or perfect hacker is the one who can keep his identity secret.

As a hacker, you always have to do a lot. Some work will be legal, some work will have to be done without permission.

So after hacking, if it is understood who did the hacking. Then all the trouble is in vain. For example, after a thief steals, if it is understood who has stolen, then there is no profit in stealing.

So how to delete footprint after hacking, how to hide on the internet; Must learn well.

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4. Knowledge about networking

How to Become a Hacker: 12 Steps hacking skills for beginners - Knowledge World

To be a hacker you need to know about networking.

You need to know how the network is created, what protocols are used inside the network. So that you can find out the weakness inside it.

Thus learning different networking concepts and different networking tools like Wireshark, Nmap, etc. is really very necessary.

Hacking is nothing more than playing with the network.

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5. Search Hidden Web

How to Become a Hacker: 12 Steps hacking skills for beginners - Knowledge World

Ways to be a hacker: The Dark Web

The Dark Web is a part of our internet world. It is foolish to think of the Internet without it.

No one knows much about how big the Dark Web is.

The Dark Web and Deep Web is a web that is not visible to search engines and requires an anonymizing browser such as Tor or other VPN to access it.

There is no doubt about the hangout of dark web criminals. So let's just say that not everything is bad here - there are some good websites.

So you need to know something about what it is and how it works.

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6. Cryptography / encryption, decryption

How to Become a Hacker: 12 Steps hacking skills for beginners - Knowledge World

Work with hacking but don't learn decryption; That is not to be. You need to know cryptography well.

Encryption is widely used in various aspects of data protection; Which protects information authentication, privacy, and information security.

Inside the network, encryption is always used for various tasks such as password saving. So you have to learn to decrypt these.

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7. Access to hacking

How to Become a Hacker: 12 Steps hacking skills for beginners - Knowledge World

So far you have learned the basics of hacking. Now is the time to get inside a little hacking.

You need to learn more about deep networking concepts, penetration testing, SQL injections, and much more.

There is no end to learning in hacking; You always have to learn something new.

Technology is updating fast, so you also have to keep learning fast. The Nile can't hack.

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8. Take out the weakness

How to Become a Hacker: 12 Steps hacking skills for beginners - Knowledge World

Weakness of the network means loophole. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.

Do all kinds of tests on your own system. Do not test on someone else's system or any useful network.

But then it will be caught as a cybercrime. You could end up in jail. So be careful !! Not tested on other people's networks.

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9. Test and practice

How to Become a Hacker: 12 Steps hacking skills for beginners - Knowledge World

Ways to be a hacker: Practice

"Practice makes a man perfect". The more you practice, the more you will learn.

So after learning something, practice - in different positions, in different environments.

For practice, you can set up your own lab. Where you can practice constantly.

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10. Join the hacker community

How to Become a Hacker: 12 Steps hacking skills for beginners - Knowledge World

To be a hacker, it is very important to be involved in different hacking communities. Different forms related to hacking, add yourself to the group.

Take part in various discussions, find out what hacking techniques are going on in the world. Communicate with different hackers.

If you can associate yourself with a hacking team, you can learn hacking better.

How to be a hacker?

- If you want to make hacking your profession, you must learn a programming language (which I have analyzed in my previous answer).

- Must have a clear idea about networks and computers.

- Must have a learning-like mentality at all times.

- Remember that hacking is not possible to learn in a day or a month, you have to work hard.

Who is the biggest hacker in the world?

The biggest hacker in the world is Kevin David Mitnick. Who is a convicted hacker in the United States? And the most wanted hacker to the police of that time. He is called the Father of Hackers.

Is it possible to hack with the mobile phone or can hacking be learned with mobile phone?

Yes, 70% of the hacking that can be done with a computer can be done with a phone if the configuration of your phone is good!

Conclusions- Ways to be a Hacker

Like other jobs, hacking is a skill. There is a lot of demand for Cyber ​​Security experts (Hacker) in the world today.

You can easily become a good hacker by following the above steps.

Never harm anyone by being a hacker means don't try to be a black hat hacker.

It will not benefit you without loss. So do a good job as a hacker. Build your career in cyber security.

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